Yonsei Advanced Science Institute

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[Lecture] Distinguished Lectureship Series Seminar by Prof. Xun Wang (Tsinghua University) (Oct 28, 2016)

Prof. Xun Wang (Tsinghua University) had the talk regarding Sub-1 nm Ultrathin Nanocrystal

[Lecture] Distinguished Lectureship Series Seminar by Prof. Seung Hee Han (Univ. Toronto) (Oct 7, 2016)

Prof. Seung Hee Han had the talk regarding Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnologies in medicine at the University of Toronto

[Lecture] 2016 Nobel Laureate's Lectureship Series (Sep 29, 2016)

Membrane structure and function in relation to intercellular protein transport from 29th Sep to 5th Oct, 2016

[Lecture] Distinguished Lectureship Series Seminar by Prof. Hakho Lee (Harvard Medical School), Prof. Jinming Gao (Univ. of Texas) (Sep 28, 2016)

On the 28th of September, 2016, there were the talks regarding Nanotechnology Platforms for Quantitative Analyses of Extracellular Vesicles and pH Nanotransistors to Digitalize Biological Signals by Prof. Hakho Lee and Prof. Jinming Gao

[Forum] 2016 IBS Conference (Sep 23, 2016)

IBS Conference on Frontiers of Nano-Bio Interface Science

[Lecture] Distinguished Lectureship Series Seminar by Prof. Tim Leidl (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität) (Jul 14, 2016)

Prof. Tim Leidl had the talk regarding Sensing molecules and forces with DNA origami

[Forum] Yonsei-IBS International Symposium on Physical Tools to Control Biological Systems: from Optogenetics to Magnetism (Jun 20, 2016)

From 20th to 21st of June, 2020, there was the Yonsei-IBS International Symposium on Physical Tools to Control Biological Systems: from Optogenetics to Magnetism held

[Forum] 2016 Yonsei-IBS International Symposium (May 23, 2016)

As the Yonsei University's 131st anniversary, Yonsei-IBS International Symposium was held with the speakers of Prof. C.B Murray (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Prof. Benoit Dubertret (C.N.R.S), Prof. D.R. Gamelin (Univ. of Washinton)

[Lecture] Distinguished Lectureship Series Seminar by Prof. Wonhwa Cho (Univ. of Illinois) (May 9, 2016)

Prof. Wonhwa Cho (Univ. of Illinois) gave the talk about In situ quantitative cell imaging reveals new regulatory functions: A cholesterol story never told before

[Lecture] Distinguished Lectureship Series Seminar by Prof. Hongyu Chen (Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (May 2, 2016)

Prof. Hongyu Chen gave the talk about Site-Specific Colloidal Systhesis


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  • ADDRESS IBS Hall 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722
  • TEL +82-2-2123-4769   FAX +82-2-2123-4606
  • E-MAIL ibs@yonsei.ac.kr
  • Copyright © IBS Center for NanoMedicine,YONSEI UNIV.

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