[YouTube] Interview: Dr. Daniel Rossi (Aug 27, 2020) IBS CNM Researcher Interview (2) |
[Event] The President of the IBS at IBS CNM (Aug 13, 2020) Do Young Noh, the President of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) visited IBS CNM |
[Event] IBS CNM with Institut Français Corée du Sud (Jul 28, 2020) Science and Higher Education Officers of French Embassy(Institut Français Corée du Sud) visited IBS CNM to share passionate ideas with us |
[YouTube] Interview: Dr. Chang Yeol Lee (Jun 22, 2020) IBS CNM Researcher Interview (1) |
[YouTube] IBS CNM & Nano BME Facility Introduction (Apr 17, 2020) Laboratory tour with students and researchers of IBS CNM & Nano BME |
[YouTube] Interview: New students' Nano BME Life (Korean) (Apr 1, 2020) Interview with new students of 2020. Find out how they think about Nano BME life! |
[SF@Y] SF@Y Season 2! The journey towards Challenge NANO (Mar 5, 2020) Science Factory at Yonsei, Season 2, 2019 Winter |
[SF@Y] NanoBME Science Factory @YONSEI Vote for the team you support! (Feb 19, 2020) 당신의 연구팀에 투표하세요! NanoBME Science Factory at YONSEI 프로그램의 YOUTUBE UCC 공개 평가입니다. "좋아요"가 참가팀의 평가점수에 반영됩니다. This is the public evaluation for NanoBME Science Factory at YONSEI. "Like" the video that you support and it will be reflected in the result of the team. |
[SF@Y] NanoBME Science Factory @YONSEI Progress Filming Day (Feb 19, 2020) On 14th of February, the students participating at Science Factory @Yonsei had the day of filming about their process on research all day. |
[Seminar] Special Seminar by Dr. Jiho Shin (Feb 11, 2020) Title:Opportunities and challenges in miniaturized implantable systems for clinical monitoring and neural interfacing for the brain Date: 2020.2.18, Tuesday, 3:30pm~ Venue: IBS Hall, Auditorium |