[Seminar] Special Seminar by Prof. Cesar M. Castro (Harvard Medical School) (Jul 22, 2019) Prof. Cesar M. Castro is Assistant Professor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Seminar Title is Low-tech approaches with high-tech ambitions for improved global oncology care |
[Notice] Re-entry / leave / Re-enrollment Guideline for Term 2, 2019 (Jul 15, 2019) 2019학년도 2학기 재입학·휴학·복학 기간 안내 1. 항상 대학원 업무에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. 2. 2019-2학기 본 대학원 재입학·휴학·복학 신청 기간을 붙임과 같... |
[Workshop] Y-IBS Workshop in partnership with MIT (Jul 15, 2019) Y-IBS Institute host workshop in partnership with MIT, SNU and Kaist Research team. |
[SF@Y] IBS Science Factory (2019 Summer Play Nano&Medicine) (Jul 1, 2019) 2019 IBS Science Factory (ISF) Program is designed for undergraduate students to join the Department of Nano Biomedical Engineering research experience. Participating students would have opportunity to conduct research experiment at the world-class research facility at IBS Hall. |
[Event] Industrial Bioconvergence Class from Underwood International College (UIC) visit Y-IBS Institute (Jun 14, 2019) 11 student members of the Industrial Bioconvergence class led by Prof. Janie Brooks from Underwood International College visited Y-IBS Institute on Friday, June 14th. Prof. Jaehyun Lee welcomed the students and gave a brief introduction of Y-IBS Institute research activities and graduate program. After the talk, students took a hall tour by one of the graduate students at Y-IBS Institute. |
[Workshop] IBS CNM-QNS Joint Workshop III (Jun 7, 2019) Professor. Taeyoung Choi (QNS, Ewha University) and Professor Kwanpyo Kim (CNM, Yonsei University) were invited as speakers. Prof. Choi presented a talk under the title of 'Single atom electron spin resonance toward atomic scale quantum sensor.' Prof. Kim presented a talk under the title of Atomic Structures and E-Beam-Induced Dynamics of 2D van der Waals heterostructures.' |
[IBS Science Talk] IBS Science Talk-8 by Prof. Marvin Chun (Yale University) (May 30, 2019) The 8th IBS Science Talk was held on Thursday, May 30th. Professor Marvin Chun fromYale University was invited as a guest speaker. Prof. Chun has been also awarded Ho-AmPrize for 2019. He gave a talk under the title of 'Neuroscience and artificial intelligence need each other'. There are around 130 people came to join the talk. |
[IBS Science Talk] IBS Science Talk-7 by Prof. Kazunori Kataoka (May 10, 2019) The 7th IBS Science Talk was held on May 10th Friday. The guest speaker is Prof. Kazunori Kataoka from University of Tokyo. He gave us a talk under the title of "Self-Assembled supramolecular Nanosystems for Smart Diagnosis and Targeted Therapy of Intractable Diseases. |
[IBS Science Talk] IBS Science Talk-6 by Prof. Hyongbum Kim (Yonsei Medical School) (Apr 5, 2019) The 6th IBS Science Talk by Prof. Hyungbum Kim(Yonsei University College of Medicine, IBS Professor) was held on April 5th Friday. Prof. Kim talked about how he fell in love with science after graduating medical college at Yonsei University and he introduced the concept of CHRISPR Genome editing system. Before the talk, refreshments and brass band music was played for the audience. Thanks for coming and we look forward seeing you again in May. |
[Workshop] IBS CNM-QNS Joint Wokrshop II (Mar 20, 2019) The second IBS CNM - QNS Joint Workshop was held on March 20th at IBS Hall on Yonsei Campus. |