[Seminar] [Special Seminar] Prof. Soyoun Kim, Jan/15/2024 "엔데믹시대의 바이오헬스케어 기업의 미래 및 기술사업화 동향" (Jan 3, 2024) On Monday, January 15th, 2024, the 1st Special Seminar of IBS CNM & NanoBME will be held at the Auditorium at IBS Hall at 11:00 a.m. |
[Event] MPI - Yonsei IBS JRH Workshop in Germany! (Dec 28, 2023) Nine IBS CNM and Yonsei ASI members visited the Max Planck Institute in Germany from December 7th to December 15th. They had a follow-up meeting of the Joint Research Hub (JRH) Symposium and Workshop held in Seoul in September with members of the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research. |
[Event] IBS CNM Happy Hour with Christmas & Year-End! (Dec 28, 2023) On the 22nd of December 2023, the Happy Hour of IBS CNM was held at the IBS Lounge at IBS Hall. |
[Seminar] [Special Seminar] Prof. Julius Zhu, Dec/22/2023 "Attentional Neurons and Circuits" (Dec 18, 2023) On Friday, December 22nd, 2023, the 12th Special Seminar of IBS CNM & NanoBME will be held at the Auditorium at IBS Hall at 10:00 a.m. |
[Event] Nature Masterclasses at Yonsei University & IBS Center for Nanomedicine! (Dec 1, 2023) Nature Masterclasses at Yonsei University & IBS Center for Nanomedicine was held at the Auditorium at IBS Hall on November 30th, 2023. |
[SF@Y] 2023 Winter Science Factory@Yonsei Season 10 'Discover Nano' is coming soon! (Nov 29, 2023) Science Factory@Yonsei Season 10 will be held on Tuesday, 2nd, January 2024. The application will close this Friday. Feel free to send your application! |
[Event] 과학동아 독자 초청 IBS 나노의학연구단 랩투어 진행 (Nov 28, 2023) 지난 11월 24일 금요일, 과학동아 독자 10명이 IBS관에 방문하여 나노의학연구단 랩투어를 진행했다. 학생들은 IBS관에서 진행되는 연구와 실험에 대해 강연을 듣고, 간단한 실험과 연구실 장비들을 직접 체험해보며 과학자의 꿈을 한 걸음 더 키워가는 시간을 가졌다. |
[Event] Nature Editors visited IBS Hall! (Nov 16, 2023) Nature journal Editors visited IBS Hall on the 6th of November. |
[Seminar] [Special Seminar] Bruno Castro, Ph.D., Nov/06/2023 "An editor's perspective in publishing in Natue journals" (Oct 31, 2023) On Monday, November 6th, 2023, the 11th Special Seminar of IBS CNM & NanoBME will be held at the Auditorium at IBS Hall at 4:00 p.m. |
[Workshop] [JRH Workshop] MPI - Yonsei IBS Joint Research Hub (JRH) Workshop (Oct 5, 2023) MPI - Yonsei IBS Joint Research Hub (JRH) Workshop was held at the IBS Hall at Yonsei University on September 26th, 2023. |